Does Citi have a 5/24 rule?

Does Citi have a 5/24 rule?

Yes, the famous 5/24 rule! Here’s the deal with Citi:

  • First off, let’s clear up what the 5/24 rule is. It’s actually a rule that another bank (Chase) in the US uses, where they won’t approve you for a new card if you’ve opened 5 or more credit cards in the last 24 months.
  • Now, coming to Citi – they don’t have an official 5/24 rule like Chase does. At least, not in India.
  • But, and this is a big but, Citi does look at your recent credit activity when you apply for a new card. They just don’t have a hard and fast rule about it.
  • If you’ve opened several credit cards recently (whether from Citi or other banks), Citi might view this as a risk factor. It doesn’t mean automatic rejection, but it could affect your chances.
  • Citi is more interested in how you’ve managed your existing credit. If you’ve been responsible with your current cards, that’s more important than how many you’ve opened recently.
  • Some people in India have reported getting approved for Citi cards even after opening several other cards in the past two years. It really depends on your overall credit profile.
  • Remember, Citi also looks at things like your income, credit score, and your history with Citi if you’re an existing customer.
  • If you’re worried about how your recent credit card applications might affect your chances with Citi, you can always call their customer service for advice before applying.
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